Edgewild – Edwardsville, IL
I stopped for lunch at a place called Edgewild in Edwardsville, IL. Being that it was still my Birthday month, I went ahead and ordered myself a Margarita. Well, let’s be honest. I would have ordered one anyway!
The good news was that my server asked my preference of tequila. This is always a good sign! The Margarita had a nice flavor, but it was a little bitter on the finish. It had a good citrus taste, lightly sweet, but not much discernible tequila flavor. The worst part of the experience was that the heavy salt on the rim (as you can see in the picture) collected at the bottom of the glass which made some of the sips too salty. This is why I usually order my Margaritas without salt on the rim. I don’t think that the salt adds any particular enhancement to a good Margarita and it usually just covers up the flavor for me. Plus if the bartender isn’t well versed in how to salt a rim properly, salt can end up at the bottom of the glass as it did with this particular Margarita. So I would give this particular Margarita a 6. However, I do like Edgewild and would return for the food and I would give their Margarita another try.